Trends and weak signals


What did you learn this week? That was Estelle Metayer who goes by the twitter handle @Competia. She was hosting a Clubhouse room that had music composer Philip Sheppard - on twitter as @PhilipSheppard (see his website to learn more) and me as the moderators. That question sparked off a storm of ideas in the room.

The magic of dropping audio lies in the serendipity and the random connections that it creates. You'll never know who is going to drop in and listen or be pulled up on stage to ask a question or just share their point of view. It is free flowing like any drawing room conversation among friends. The more diverse the group the greater is the possibility of interesting ideas coming up during a chat. That is just how it was.

The conversation flows like a brook. It bounces, changes course and stabilises before disappearing from sight. The same happened in this room. The credit goes to the diverse group of people who were there. From design futurists to musicians, academics, conference organisers, writers and techies - they were all there.

Here are some snapshots of the conversation. Read my notes

Do you think an audio only app will survive the post pandemic world?

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Trends and Weak Signals