Having a "Designer’s Mindset" Changes Your Life - Here's How

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Is design a good choice for a career? Can I be a designer without going to Design School? These were two questions that a reader asked me.

The global Design Thinking market size was valued at USD 7404.29 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 7.38% during the forecast period, reaching USD 11352.7 million by 2028. While the growing market for design and design thinking may be important, but here is how you can benefit from crafting a mindset that designers use. It is life changing.

Out-of-the-box design choice

Having a "designers mindset" is a starting point to explore if you will indeed enjoy being a designer. Design is all about removing friction in the world around you. When you buy a new phone, it comes with some charge so can enjoy using the phone without having to wait to charge it. That is not just thinking out-of-the-box (pun intended), but also about having a designer's mindset. More of that later.

Removing "friction" (like waiting to charge the phone) is one of the most complex design challenges

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What is the Designer's Mindset?

The Designer's Mindset is a way of thinking that allows individuals to approach problems with creativity, curiosity, and empathy. It involves exploring possibilities, creating prototypes, and iterating on solutions until the best outcome is achieved.

Here are some key elements that make up the Designer's Mindset:

1. "What if" is a powerful thought starter

Asking "What if" allows us to explore possibilities and imagine new solutions. It encourages us to think outside the box and challenge our assumptions. Tony Fadell explains why it is so hard to look at what is an obvious source of inspiration.

2. Create prototypes to see how something will work

Prototyping allows us to test our ideas and see how they will work in practice. It helps us identify potential problems and refine our solutions before investing time and resources into fully developing them.

3. Develop empathy for the user

Empathy is a crucial component of the Designer's Mindset. By understanding the needs and desires of our users, we can create solutions that truly meet their needs. User feedback is a powerful tool for reframing our thinking and improving our designs. (Read more: How do anthropologists decode culture)

My new book is called Career 3.0 - a new career strategy plus 6 skills to be successful

Build "Creative Confidence"

David Kelley's book on Creative Confidence is a must read.

Another important aspect of the Designer's Mindset is Creative Confidence. David Kelley had written a book about it (see link below). This refers to the belief in our ability to create meaningful change through our ideas and actions. Building Creative Confidence takes time and practice, but here are three simple tips to get started:

1. Take small risks: Start by taking small risks and trying new things. This will help you build confidence in your ability to create change.

2. Embrace failure: Don't be afraid to fail. Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow.

3. Collaborate with others: Collaborating with others can help you generate new ideas and build confidence in your abilities.

(The one book you must read to build Creative Confidence - click this)

Keep Iterating

Finally, it's important to remember that nothing is built in one go. Solutions will continue to evolve over time as we learn more about our users and their needs. Keep iterating on your designs to ensure that they remain relevant and impactful.

In conclusion, being a designer is not about having a specific set of skills or talents, but rather about adopting a mindset that allows us to approach problems with creativity, curiosity, and empathy. By embracing the Designer's Mindset, we can all unlock our inner creative potential and create meaningful change in the world around us.

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