Abhijit Bhaduri’s Blog

I write about careers in the AI Economy and about the world of work. The sketchnotes are my own.

Algorithms cannot #breakthebias - humans can
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

Algorithms cannot #breakthebias - humans can

Algorithms cannot hashtag#breakthebias

Chances are that you have been a victim of bias in hiring (and you don't even know it). You were passed over because you were the wrong gender/ qualification/ sexual orientation/age/ or not from the "right college"... You may have been a beneficiary of biased decisions. It works in your favour too!

How do we break the hashtag#bias?

hashtag#breakthebias hashtag#iwd2022 hashtag#iwd hashtag#iwd2022 hashtag#hiringbias hashtag#hiring hashtag#algorithms hashtag#gender

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The challenge of all-male founding teams
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

The challenge of all-male founding teams

Many startup founding teams can trace their origins to the college campus. A bunch of Dreamers get together to build the organisation. Without a diverse talent pool, the ideas cannot be executed. After all you cannot hire someone who has not applied to your company.

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