Well-being at workplaces

The two years of isolation and living with fear and uncertainty has impacted our well-being. Anxiety and depression is more rampant than you think. Employers have to move from wellness to well-being. Well-being is a skill that can be learnt.

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Work, workers and workplaces - all need to heal

  • Globally, an estimated 264 million people suffer from depression, one of the leading causes of disability. Many of these people suffer from symptoms of anxiety. 48% of employees report experiencing high to extreme stress over the past year. Read more

  • Long hours have led to widespread burnout. WFH means we do not know when to stop working. Even when we are sleeping, work shows up in our dreams. We have to create healthy boundaries, know our limits, and be firm when we have to say 'no' to continuous working hours. Read more

Have you felt like this?

Make it stand out

World Health Organisation includes burnout in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases as an occupational phenomenon - not a medical condition.

  • feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;

  • increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and

  • reduced professional efficacy

Wellness Day is not enough

Some of the biggest companies in India are giving employees surprise "wellness day-offs" or actively encouraging them to take casual leaves. More examples

The employees do not think it is enough. Work no longer is the fulcrum around which our lives revolve. Work must wrap itself around who we are and how we want to live.

Giving a day off or having a yoga session in the office addresses wellness. Employers have to move from wellness to well-being.

96% of CEOs believe they are doing enough for employee mental health, but only 69% of employees feel the same.

What is the difference between 'wellness' and 'well-being'

Dr Ashwin Naik is a TED Fellow and an Ashoka Fellow. He is the founder of Manah Wellness to build emotionally healthy workplaces. I am delighted to partner Ashwin and his team to help organisations adopt a proactive approach towards mental health and well-being.

But first let us get the definitions right.

Wellbeing has 4 components

  1. Mind: Make time for meditation. Avoid multi-tasking.

  2. Body: Focus on sleep, exercise and eating healthy.

  3. Heart: Mindfulness and gratitude help us build human connections. <read more>

  4. Soul: Find meaning and experience the joy of giving

Real world examples

  1. A large global bank with more than 4000 employees is following a train-the-trainer approach to build wellbeing into their culture. More than a hundred people-managers have been trained to become "well-being ambassadors".

  2. A shipping company in Singapore decided to make it a business initiative for 13,000 employees. The CEO is the principle sponsor of the program. Managers and business leaders have got trained to notice small indicators of well-being challenges. "If you are waiting for big signals, it may be too late."

  3. A startup in Bangalore has decided to make its focus on well-being as way to attract talent

Steps to get started

  1. Think of well-being as a skill that can be learnt (and taught)

  2. Gallup defines 5 elements to focus on: career, social, financial, physical, and community <read more>

  3. Slow down, be kind to your yourself, forgive others <read more>


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My Prediction:  The Great Transition will take up everyone's attention in 2022.


Six Signals


The Great Transition